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Tom Sawyer Software

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Company Overview: Tom Sawyer Software is the leading provider of graph and data visualization and analysis software and services that enable organizations to build highly scalable and flexible applications. Customers such as Airbus, BAE, IEEE, Lockheed Martin, NASA, JPL, Raytheon, Toyota, and others use our platform to visualize complex models and discover hidden patterns and key trends in large and diverse datasets. We help organizations federate and integrate their data from multiple sources such as leading modeling tools and databases and build graph and data visualization applications that are critical to gaining insight and driving operational excellence.
Product/Service Description: Tom Sawyer Model-Based Engineering integrates with No Magic MagicDraw and Teamwork Cloud to support Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) and SysML-compliant diagram generation, interactive navigation, customization, and validation. Systems engineers can instantly transform model definitions into rigorous, customized, user-friendly, and highly interactive visualizations in seconds. Tom Sawyer Software is the first and only company to transform model-based diagram navigation and customization into a highly-automated process with interactive web-based and desktop views. Tom Sawyer Model-Based Engineering automates diagram layout, greatly reducing manual effort, and provides interactive navigation, filtering, zooming, and analysis. It is powered by Tom Sawyer Perspectives, a platform for building enterprise-class graph and data visualization and analysis applications.
Sales Contact: Michael Hadley
Sales Contact Email: [email protected]
Sales Contact Phone: +1 (510) 208-4370
OMG Member: Yes
OMG Membership Level: Influencing

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